Alpha Weekend Registration (Spring 2024)

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Friday May 3 (7pm) to Saturday May 4 (7pm)

The Alpha Weekend is a time for you to get away! Often, our lives become cluttered by urgent things to do, without a moment to think about what’s important. Take time for yourself to focus on the important, not only the urgent. As a guest of the Manoir D'Youville; enjoy some rest, great company, and encounter God in the beauty of this little paradise at Saint-Bernard Island. 

Payment and Options, please read carefully


- The fees mentioned below are for lodging, the meals/ snacks provided, as well as costs for the use of hotel ameneties for the Weekend experience. Once at the Hotel, during your break times you can enjoy the serene and quiet spaces as well as the beauty of nature. There are also supplementary activities such as visiting the bird sanctuary of Héritage Saint-Bernard, but these types of activities have extra charges you would pay directly to the Hotel. 

- We do not EVER want money to stop anyone from attending the Alpha Weekend. If you wish to register and need a bursary, simply select 'Donation' and enter the amount you are able to pay. All information on this form is kept confidential.


- If you need transportation, we are organizing a free shuttle bus service that will bring you back and forth to the event. To book your spot simply check the box for the pickup and dropoff time options that work for you. 

- If you are going by car and have some extra seats available that you wish to share as to allow some people to carpool with you, please let us know in the comment section below. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


- If you wish to spend Friday night, you can select the "1 Night" option. Please note that the Alpha Weekend wraps up on Saturday evening, but if you wish to pay for an extra night to simply enjoy the Hotel, you can choose and pay the "2 Nights" option instead.

- If selecting Double Occupancy, your 'roommate' still needs to fill out the form and make a payment too. Please indicate who you wish to bunk with.

- On Friday evening, there will be NO dinner, only snacks and refreshments, so please have dinner before joining us.

- On Saturday, depending on which option you would have selected (a stay over or a commuter option), breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks will be available. 

- The hotel is an old convent, therefore most rooms do NOT have private bathrooms and toilets, their shared spaces are great, so no need to worry about this.

- That being said, we do have access to a limited number of rooms with private toilets and bathrooms available for an extra fee, to guests who really need it. Please let us know about any special circumstances that would require prioritizing your choice AND note that due to the limited number of rooms with private bathroom, if you choose this option, you will be added to a waiting list. NO fees for rooms with private bathrooms should be payed from this form, just select the option you are interested in and we will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm if there is still an availability and provide you with a separate form to pay

** Lastly, please note that check-out will be at 12:00pm on Saturday May 4th for everyone. So please empty your room before then. 


- For parents who would want their children to eat from the Manoir, please let us know in advance in the comment section as the cost of their meals will need to be added to your registration.


Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any question, we will be happy to help!  

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.

Looking forward to experience the Alpha Weekend-Away together, it will be awesome! Should you have any question, do not hesitate to reach out via: Once again, we are always happy to help!

See you soon :) 



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